This game is free but the developer accepts
your support by letting you pay what you think is fair for the
Included files
Linux x86 (32 bit) [untested] (35 MB)
Linux x86 (64 bit) [untested] (31 MB)
Linux (Raspberry Pi) (36 MB)
Mac OS X (Intel) [untested] (30 MB)
Windows 32 bit - setup (XP or newer) (17 MB)
Windows 32 bit - bin (24 MB)
Android / Nokia X (261 kB)
iOS [untested] (253 kB)
Windows Phone 7.1 [untested] (231 kB)
Windows Phone 8.0 & 8.1 [untested] (116 kB)
BlackBerry OS 10 [untested] (123 kB)
BlackBerry PlayBook (317 kB)
Chrome OS / Chromium OS (Google Chrome App) (60 kB)
Firefox OS (Mozilla Firefox App) (58 kB)
Mozilla Firefox Add-on (66 kB)
Chrome / Opera extension (add-on) (59 kB)
Safari extension (59 kB)
Nokia S40 / WRT Widget [untested] (82 kB)
W3C Widget / Nokia Asha widget [untested] (57 kB)